Joy and Nomi took the plunge and signed up for their first 10km running race ever in May 2010 in Singapore at the Sundown Race event...Then they trained for a half marathon in the fall of 2010, Joy's in Canada and Nomi's in Malaysia...Then, they finished their second-ever half marathon in Singapore May 2011 at the Sundown Race event, but this time they ran together!

Then their sporting paths diverged: Nomi went on to run marathons while Joy learned how to ride a bike. This blog charts their progress from 2010 to 2012.

Read their blog to see what their sporting adventures look like or just look at the pictures of Canada's capital city and Malaysia's capital city. You can choose the "follow" option or subscribe via email to be notified of updates. (You can start reading/skimming their first entries from the summer of 2010 or just jump right in, reading from any point you like. The "Archives" will be your guide.)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Endorphins and Loop #6!

Joy here...It's the day before hopping on a plane for Victoria, the capital city of the province of British Columbia, and The Man and our two friends headed out to the local park for yet another 65km loop.  While The Man and his friend rode along at a fast pace ahead of us, my friend (the 60-year old who is seriously strong and a serious cycling idol of mine; she's also the one who took spinning classes with me all winter) and I headed out to the park at our own pace.

We rode under the crystal blue sky with the bright green leaves beside us and the cool wind blowing over our skin.  We chatted about life, and we stopped chatting entirely when riding up the steep parts.  We enjoyed each other's company, but even more than that...I think that we are really beginning to enjoy the endorphin rush that comes at the end of any hard athletic effort.  We find ourselves reaching the top of a particularly steep or difficult climb, and even though we're sweating and huffing and puffing, we're also smiling ear to ear!  We're high-fiving and celebrating being able to haul our bodies and our bikes up steep hills and long hills and rolling hills; and we're enjoying being confident enough to ride down those inclines at breakneck speeds.

More than that, we finished this loop 8 minutes faster than Sunday's loop and 18 minutes faster than last Thursday's loop!  Who doesn't enjoy a little hard, objective data like that that speaks to one's forward progress?  I, for one, will admit that I'm a sucker for that kind of validation.  "What?  I'm faster than I was before...Yahooooooo!"

Let's just hope those endorphins last long enough to get me through the long and boring plane ride all the way out to the west coast!

Over and out,

PS - You can order poster-sized versions of the photo of the rider cycling in Gatineau Park that I've used for today's post.  Please see:

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