Joy here...I had my last spinning class of the session yesterday with my spinning instructor who has come out on a few rides with me outdoors and is fast becoming one of my
cycling sisters, and while
we rode up to Champlain lookout on Wednesday, I was seriously hoping that she'd take it a bit easy on us during our spin class on Thursday was not to be so. When I got there she said that we would be having a "go hard or go home" ride, and since we were already there, the "go home" option was foreclosed. Go hard it was!
Yes, there is actually
a movie (two, in fact)
that make this kind of
idiom famous (or at least
public!). Oh yeah, FUBAR=
fuckedupbeyondallrecognition. |
Now the spinning instructor lived in Calgary for 14 years, and I spent the first 21 years of my life living in Winnipeg. And I suspect that there's something in our shared Western Canadianness that makes us get along. For instance, I have to say that I enjoy her taste in music during the spin class; there's nothing too funky or techno that might be really avant-garde, but just somehow too cool for me. Instead, I can usually sing along with the songs she's chosen, because they speak to the Winnipeg in me.
I think another shared Western Canadian value is the notion of givin'er. I've
written about the phrase "give'r" before (which means:
1. Going all out and/or balls to the wall to take care of business as quickly and as awesomely as possible; and/or 2. Acting in a way that is like you're rocking out really hard, but at the same time, trying to solve a problem that may or may not involve drop-kicking something without hesitation). So with our "go hard" final spin class of the session, I was game to give'r! With sweat dripping off my body onto the spin bike and a heart rate topping up over 172 beats/min, I was doing my Winnipeggers proud by going "balls to the wall"...take THAT Calgary, and thanks for a great session of spin classes!
Over and out,
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