It suddenly dawned on me: "So what?" Nomi wouldn't care if I rode my bike over training for a running race. That's not the kind of friend she is. In fact, when I sent her an email waffling about my running races, here's what she wrote: "I think that the important thing that one should not forget the purpose of running...which is the joy and freedom running brings you. The lightness, focus and exhilaration of crossing the finishing line regardless of the time." And, once again, Nomi's wisdom is shining through and guiding me. I don't need a full marathon to get that sense of joy and freedom. I get it from riding my bike and going for shorter runs. And now all I need to do is find some races that allow me to focus my joy of riding and running in the right way so that I get that exhilaration of a finish-line feeling, without suffering for months on end to train for a marathon that my heart just isn't in.
Enter...DUATHLON. Duathlon is a sporting event that combines cycling and running. Duh! Sounds like it was made for me! While I was out on Wednesday's ride with my spinning instructor, she said that she used to compete in Duathlons in Calgary and loved them. So I spent some time this weekend looking up local duathlon races, and it seems like there are some throughout this summer that look good for me. The general distance would be a 5km run, followed by a 40km bike ride, ending with a 10km run. So that's a good, hard kind of event, but one that I think I can handle and, more importantly, one that seems to capture my imagination a little bit better at the moment than a full marathon. The full marathon's not going anywhere, and when the time is right, I'm sure I'll feel like training for one. For now, I'm going to set my sights on some duathlons!
So in that spirit, I hopped on my trainer indoors on Saturday to complete 5 3minute interval sets. Basically this means that I held a harder pace for 3 minutes and then rested for 2 minutes and then did it all over again. My "interval" pace was around 37 or 38km/hr, and once I can reduce the rest periods between intervals, I'll be doing just fine. A 37 or 38km/hr pace is a solid kind of pace if I can hold it for the 15km Time Trials that I've set my eye on for Tuesday nights this summer and 40km duathlon legs on the bike.
Watch out world...I'm getting just one step closer to being a triathlete!
Over and out,
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